Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 7 Top 10 Tech Tools I Can't Live Without

After taking this course, there are many technology tools that I cannot live without! I have discovered so many new tools to use in my own classroom. The following lists my top 10!!

1. Instructional Games- This software helps students participate and they absolutely love to play on the computer. You need to find a game that is fascinating but also great value in instruction.

2. Glogster EDU- Most likely one of my favorites, it is fun and interesting! I just know that older students would love creating this for class. It is like a fun creative blog!

3. This website is great for students to connect topics and information. I loved creating my own concept map and you will too! Just try it!

4. Test Generators- This is important to use especially in mathematics when learning addition problems or multiplication. It is great to use when students are practicing!

5. Blogs- I enjoyed creating blogs because it expresses thoughts on certain subjects. Students will enjoy this because it can help them get involved in their class!

6. Twitter- Students can use twitter to follow the teachers thoughts and blogs. It can also benefit parents in information throughout each week.

7. Voki- Students can get creative using this Web 2.0 resource to explain projects. I think this would be a fun activity for students.

8. Puzzle Generators- I can use this in creating fun worksheets for the students. I really enjoy using the website

9. Graphic Document Makers- Students enjoy this technology tool because I can create prize generators and fun graphics for holidays! It is really fun!

10.Digital Storytelling- I really enjoy this because it combines pictures and audio together to tell an event. I plan on using this in my history class to explain events that have happened!

I have learned a lot over the past couple weeks and technology tools will be seen in my classroom on a daily basis! Enjoy using these technology tools! I highly recommend them!!!

Week 6 What mobile apps are available for your subject area?

Mobile apps are very important in the classroom because it keeps students engaged in their learning. In our special needs classroom, we have 3 ipads and 3 computers we use. The students really enjoy the graphics and the fun interactive games! We also have a smartboard where the students can watch videos and interact in the game.

Special Education apps: Turn Taker- used for special needs students to teach sharing with others. This can be used on a smartphone.
English apps: ABC Writing Zoo Animals By Brain Counts- Teaches early reading and writing at an early age.
ELL and FL learning: Fluent English (Smartphone) and Spanish Flashcards (Ipad and Iphone). Teaching ESL students how to speak english.

The importance of mobile apps is important not only in the classroom, but also outside of the classroom.  Students should be encouraged to learn at home and through technology. I absolutely love using technology in my classroom and I think that these apps would benefit my students!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 5 Why is it important to be a good digital citizen? What value does a good digital reputation have?

It is important to be a good digital citizen because it is important to have courtesy on the internet. Also, internet social websites can be accessed by all sorts of people. This means that anyone can read your postings and your thoughts. Also, pictures are important too! It is necessary to always use your manners when online especially at home and in the classroom. When sending emails it is important to use proper etiquette as well. If you have a good digital reputation then that means you most likely have one in person too! It can also mean that you are reliable and a great person to communicate with. Always be a good digital citizen!! It helps your credibility!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Week 4 Describe 3 kinds of material generators that I have used or would like to use in my classroom

Test Generators and Rubric Generators

I have used test generators and rubric generators in the past for my students. I really like the website because it has some awesome templates that are helpful when creating a valid rubric that is fair to all students. I would use these when giving an assignment. I think that it is important that the students see their requirements before an assignment is even graded! It gives them a goal to work towards!

Worksheet and Puzzle Generators

This is one of my favorite types of generators. I have used this mostly in mathematics. I have created random worksheets based on addition or subtraction facts. I could also use this for older students when creating multiplication worksheets. It would be a great extra resource to learn facts or information. One of my favorite is

Graphic Document Makers

I would really like to work with a graphic document maker. I have never worked with this type of generator, but it seems really awesome to create your own awards and get creative with these prizes for great behaviors.  Students can also create cards by themselves which would be fun for special holidays. The websites they have in the book are print shop deluxe and smart draw. I would like to discover those in my own time and use them in my classroom.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Week 3- What is Instructional Software and what are the five types?

Instructional Software is "computer programs designed to deliver instruction or assist with the delivery of instruction on a topic"(Roblyer & Doering, 2013). It aids teaching and learning in the classroom by incorporating fun activities through technology. 

The five types of instructional software are: Drill and Practice, Tutorial, Simulation, Instructional Games, and Problem Solving. Each type has a special attribute that helps them enforce the concept being learned in the classroom. Each type is described more in depth below:

Drill and Practice is the first type of instructional software that we will discuss. This type of teaching software functions to provide students with exercises in which the student gets feedback quickly. An example of this type of software would be Flash cards, Chart fill ins, or branching drills. A great software that my students use is FastMath. They absolutely love this game, but it is also educational and they have the beat the clock. You could also use the Flash card creation game found at This is a fun exercise game the students will enjoy, but will also be challenged!

Tutorial software is similar to instructional time that the teacher incorporates into her lesson. There are two examples of this software: linear and branching. Linear is simple and gives practice and feedback of differences in performance. Branching is more mastery of skill and the students get progress reports for their skills. A great software to use for this type is this math tutorial at

Simulation software is a model that is computerized of either a real or make believe system that is designed to teach how the system works. It can either teach us about something or how to do something. An example of a simulation is the Social Studies Simlation found at

Instructional Games software is my favorite to use in the classroom. The students absolutely love to play on the computer but also learn fascinating things. It is important to find an instructional game that is not only appealing to students, but has great instructional value. One of my favorite games that my students play for math and science is the Brain games. You can find it at

Problem Solving software is used to help students practice solving a lot of different questions that causes students to use their brain and think hard. There are two types of this software: content area or content free problem solving skills. One deals with more concentrated content and the other is general problem solving skills. Both equally as important to the problem solving software. An example of this type of software would be the Memory Challenge game which can be found at

Monday, April 1, 2013

Web 2.0 Resources

This is the concept map of my topic: The Five Senses. My lesson would be for primary aged students. This concept map was created at! I really liked using the concept map because it is fun and a great graphic organizer!
I also created a Glogster EDU! I absolutely had a great time creating this part of the project. It was pretty neat and I think that kids would have a blast doing all the fun things on this blog. I would definitely assign this to students that were 5th grade and up. Primary students would have problems using it, but if done as a class it would be easy! Enjoy!
Glogster EDU Five Senses

The next WEB 2.0 resource used was the Animoto video. I think this was neat, but it was difficult finding appropriate pictures. It is neat because it is created mostly by the computer!
Animoto Video Five Senses

My Free Choice was a Voki. I have always hear about Vokis' but have never created one. All students would love this! So neat!
Ms. Fish-How do the five senses work together?
Mr.Moose-What are the five senses?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Week 2 Should students play games (software) in school?

I think that students should play games in school because it gets the students to focus on a topic in the curriculum. I think that it also engages the students and motivates them to learn the information. I think that students can get away from the curriculum with other games, but if the teacher creates boundaries then the student could really benefit from the games! I definitely think there is a difference between playing video games and educational games.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Week 1 Introduction -About me!

Hi! My name is Katie Cashen! I currently work at Cullman City Primary School in the Special Education department for Kindergarten. I received my BS degree in Elementary Education K-6 from the University of Alabama in 2011. This is my second semester at UWA where I am getting my MA in Elementary Education K-6 as well. I really love working with children! I live in Birmingham, AL with my fiance Bryant. He is in law school and we will be getting married April 2014. We are super excited! Hope yall enjoy my blogs!!! :)