Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 5 Why is it important to be a good digital citizen? What value does a good digital reputation have?

It is important to be a good digital citizen because it is important to have courtesy on the internet. Also, internet social websites can be accessed by all sorts of people. This means that anyone can read your postings and your thoughts. Also, pictures are important too! It is necessary to always use your manners when online especially at home and in the classroom. When sending emails it is important to use proper etiquette as well. If you have a good digital reputation then that means you most likely have one in person too! It can also mean that you are reliable and a great person to communicate with. Always be a good digital citizen!! It helps your credibility!


  1. So true! I didn't think to write about the importance of posting pictures on social media on my blog. This is especially true with our teenagers. I'm afraid that many of them will one day regret some of the pictures they post!

  2. I'm amazed at what some people put on social websites. I love the saying, "Face your problems; don't Facebook your problems." You're so right; anyone can read your posts, and you don't want to air your dirty laundry to the whole world.

  3. I am still surprised what I see written and pictures posted ...STILL....that young people still do not THINK! It's out there forever, anyone can find it. This can damage them and they are not thinking about it.

  4. I agree with your posting on being a good digital citizen. Everything is well put together. Social sites are public or private, depending on how the individual set up their account. One never knows who reading and observing their blogs or profiles. It is important to follow and use the rules of netiquette in utilizing digital technology when responding to others. Awesome.
